Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, famed for his romantic roles, has died of cancer aged 67. He was part of the Kapoor acting dynasty which has long dominated Bollywood, the Hindi film industry.
Rajiv Kapoor died a year after his older brother Rishi Kapoor passed away due to cancer. Khusbhu Sundar said that she spoke ...
The Bollywood heartthrob of the 70s, Rishi Kapoor passed away at the Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai on April 30 Till the end, the family said in a statement, he remained jovial and ...
Image Source : INSTAGRAM Rishi Kapoor died in April 2020. Neetu Kapoor got emotional as she missed the presence of her late husband and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor at a special family event in Mumbai.
William and Kate to rub shoulders with Bollywood royalty Aamir Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor at Indian Fundraiser ...