Only one dead piping plover has been collected, but oil pollution has soiled the imperiled plover's critical habitat on the Chandeleur Islands. Approximately 6,000 sea turtles have likely been harmed ...
Researchers set out to catch baby turtles in the Gulf of Mexico to tag them and learn more about where they go when they scurry to the sea after hatching.
In a new study, biology researchers from the College of Sciences’ UCF Marine Turtle Research Group studied the dispersal ...
On February 5th, fishermen in the Gulf of Coro, in Falcón State, observed a new oil spill affecting the coasts, this happened ...
For the first time in 75 years, Kemp’s ridley sea turtle hatchlings ... nesting spot for sea turtles decades ago. Lawsuit says Trump administration ignored risk of huge spills to endangered ...
Oil spills in the ocean can have a devastating effect on marine life. At the surface, oil slicks are particularly dangerous for sea turtles, marine mammals, sea birds, and early life stages of ...
AUSTIN The Texas Trustee Implementation Group for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill seeks public input ... on extending the Texas portion of the Sea Turtle Early Restoration project.
Russian officials originally claimed that the spill was contained, but soon after the disaster, sightings of floating oil and tarred birds were reported all along Russia’s Black Sea coast.
Over the past month, the popular Black Sea resort beaches of ... but with much of the oil underwater, it is difficult to determine. While the spill is not as large as some more-notorious incidents ...
MOSCOW (Reuters) - An oil spill from damaged tankers has contaminated a long stretch of sandy beaches along the Russian Black Sea shoreline, polluting the air and threatening wildlife in one of the ...