As the inauguration and MLK Day converged, Trump’s nod to the civil rights leader was smothered in a speech of grievance.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
Family and others carrying on Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of equality, justice and nonviolent protest want Americans to ...
In 1983, about 20 years after King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, legislation for a Martin Luther King Jr. Day cleared Congress, and President Ronald Reagan signed it.
Monday marks a very different legacy, as well, that of Martin Luther King Jr., whose words and actions more than six decades ...
National Archives In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s ... from the Lincoln Memorial, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was an homage to President Abraham Lincoln’s ...
Jones The life-sized bronze sculpture of the congressman joins statues of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks in ... in to help replace the bronze statue, which a youth baseball nonprofit ...
Photos by Steve Lewis. Mr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech is considered one of the great orations in ...
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He chose that location in part to honor President Abraham Lincoln as "a great ...
institutions and various industries recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For some, the holiday is just that — time off from work or school. But, King's family and others carrying on his legacy ...