Lycopodium is a fine powder, the seed, or more correctly the spores, of a club moss. These are members of a curious family of cryptogamous plants that,' from the demand in commerce for the spores ...
The board of Lycopodium Limited (ASX:LYL) has announced it will be reducing its dividend by 73% from last year's payment of A$0.37 on the 3rd of April, with shareholders receiving A$0.10.
STONEY states (NATURE, January 6, vol. lxxxii., p. 279) that with a large aperture microscope objective and oblique illumination, Lycopodium spores are seen to be coated with hair-like projections.
Engineering firm Lycopodium disappointed the market with its interim results ... Revenue dipped to $167.4 million while net profit sank to $25.2 million, down from $30.0 million. For the full year, ...