Created by writer Otto Binder and illustrator Curt Swan, Krypto the Superdog made his DC Comics debut in March 1955 in Adventure Comics #210, in which he goes on an adventure with the younger Clark ...
Krypto, Superman's beloved pooch, has been a fixture of the franchise since the 1950s. However, his overall look has changed ...
Krypto! Great boy James Gunn!,” superhero movie maven Kevin Smith gushed online — is that bringing Superdog to the big screen signals a much-needed turn in tone from the darkness of Zach ...
While Krypto the Superdog has been a feature of DC Comics for decades, his live-action appearances have been few and far between. The reason for that is simple: Krypto is just difficult to ...
Krypto will be officially brought into the DCU in Superman, but Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow will break some serious Krypto ...
Gunn confirmed in October, meanwhile, that Krypto the Superdog, long a fan-favourite character, would make his live-action debut. Explaining that Krypto’s inclusion was inspired by his own dog ...
It's a bird, it's a plane, no — it's Krypto the Superdog, the Man of Steel's right-hand canine, making an appearance in the upcoming "Superman" movie's teaser trailer on Thursday. This release ...
Director James Gunn and his dog Ozu will debut a sneak preview of the film during the Puppy Bowl, with one dog receiving the ...
Created by writer Otto Binder and illustrator Curt Swan, Krypto the Superdog made his DC Comics debut in March 1955 in Adventure Comics #210, in which he goes on an adventure with the younger ...