In the new "Superman" film, he's more like a terrier mutt. "Superman" director James Gunn says he modeled Krypto after his own mischievous rescue dog Ozu.
The first trailer for the hotly anticipated James Gunn-directed Superman has been released, teasing superhero dog Krypto and Lex ... what his costume should look like, what his morals should ...
While Gunn has made clear that Krypto won’t be a talking dog in Superman, his version of Krypto realizes the super-pet’s power and presence perfectly. Granted, this breed of dog Gunn has cast ...
First, Superman whistles for his dog, Krypto, and says, simply, “Home – take me home,” to the trusty canine. Later on, a young boy lifts a makeshift flag into the air and says ...
Based on the trailer, then, Krypto is a very good dog indeed. But don’t let that fool you. In an interview Q&A session attended by IGN, writer and director James Gunn confirmed Krypto is ...