All roads are now open. UPDATE Crews have repaired the power lines that fell across Interstate 15 and the freeway should ...
DECLO, Idaho (ABC4) — A semi-truck drove off a freeway overpass in southern Idaho Thursday morning, according to Idaho State Police. The driver was flown to the hospital after the incident.
Idaho travelers can expect delays through Interstate 90 this summer. The Idaho Transportation Department is starting or ...
Traffic was flowing freely by mid-afternoon on Interstate 15 Sunday following an accident near milepost 117 on Interstate 15 ...
The right-hand lane of the eastbound ramp off of South Cole Road that connects commuters to I-184 or Franklin Road is affected.
The Spokesman-Review ran a headline, suitable for recycling today, that read, “Traffic relief for north side seen distant.” ...
Q: Paul Benoit of Riverside said he and his wife recently noticed several blue strobe lights atop tall poles in various locations along freeways and access ramps in the Inland Empire. In some ...
Authorities have ruled the man’s death a homicide and are asking for anyone with information about the incident to immediately contact Idaho State Police at 208-239-9850. The Idaho State Journal ...