Korean drama series follows the classic school fight formula, with Hwang Min-hyun playing a reluctant newcomer who stands up ...
There's no such thing as a school for superheroes, but if there were, it definitely wouldn't be Yusung Technical High School.
Hwang Min Hyun’s high-impact action scenes are sure to be a highlight. The newly unveiled poster captures Yoon Ga Min’s arrival at Yuseong Technical High School, a notorious institution filled ...
Hwang Min-hyungs latest kdrama Study Group premiered online last week. Heres when, where Study Group episodes 3 & 4 premiere ...
Actor Jung Hae-in (L), filmmaker Ryu Seung-wan (C) and actor Hwang Jung-min pose for photos at the media conference for their latest action flick "I, the Executioner (Veteran 2)," held in ...
Archegos Capital Management’s former co-chief executive officer abandoned efforts to recoup losses from the firm’s collapse ...
TVING's upcoming drama "Study Group" has given an in-depth look at its characters! Based on the popular webtoon of the same name, “Study Group” is a high ...
Ass'-style screen adaptation Tving original series "Study Group" will bring the wildly popular Naver Webtoon of the same name ...
In the world of Korean dramas clichés are not only expected, they are an intrinsic part of why we tune in to shows in the first place. Shows seduce us with their familiarity; the best ones are ...