and focus on quality and not quantity. The need to monitor: In romantic relationships, fears like getting cheated on or your partner being unfaithful can creep in out of insecurity. If you feel a ...
However, feeling insecure and jealous in a relationship is a sign of lack of ... may start acting distant and cold from you; they may not talk nicely to you, won't communicate properly, and ...
all stemming from a deep-seated belief that he is not worthy of love or respect in a relationship. A common thing people who are insecure in their relationships will do is cling to that person ...
Asking “how are you?” on a daily basis could help people who feel insecure in their relationships feel more confident, according to a new study from the University of Waterloo. There are ...
being suspicious of your friends and encouraging you not to meet up with your friends. “We all have insecurities and they inevitably show up in our relationships one way or another,” Yap ...