The useless beauty of male birds is evidence of something evolutionists long struggled to accept: female agency.
Spruce grouse hunters in northern Minnesota’s boreal forests are being asked to voluntarily submit feather samples for a genetics research project. The project is being conducted by the ...
The Greater Sage Grouse is an iconic species of the upper ... Dozens of males puff out their chests and fan their tail ...
Feathers could be seen flying in footage taken ... habitats which were previously favoured by the species. The black grouse is one of the fastest declining birds in the UK and is on the ...
Their feathers appear the same ... Upward of 50 percent of all sage grouse nests are ruined because of predation. If this happens early in the season, the female can return to the lek, where ...
Greater sage grouse are sexually dimorphic, meaning the male and female look different. Females are small and football-shaped, with a black belly and white-speckled feathers, while males resemble ...