You'll find that geraniums are easy to grow perennial flower seeds, even if you don't have a green thumb. Many common varieties of geraniums grown today are not actually true geraniums but are ...
Geraniums have extended bloom periods with some varieties blooming all season long into autumn. Plants produce multiple ...
Adaptable, dependable and colourful, hardy geraniums deserve their popularity. Discover our best geranium varieties and tips ...
The ideal plants are stocky and well-branched, non-leggy, and with plenty of flower buds to grace containers once spring weather moderates so we can plant. To begin prepping geraniums for May’s ...
Can the cuttings have flowers blooming, or buds, or should I use cuttings that don’t have either? — Bev J. A: The best geranium cuttings are taken from the outer tips of the plants and are ...