In the scorching deserts of East Africa, the ground is slowly tearing itself apart — a slow-motion, geological drama. Over millions of years, the African continent will cleave in two ...
Signs of this dramatic shift lie in the East African Rift ... separated them. The Geological Society affirms that these fossils back up the theory of tectonic drift. Africa’s transformation ...
In 2005, Ethiopia experienced earthquakes that caused the appearance of a 35-mile-long fissure in the desert called the East ... Africa's split "will be just another move in this giant geological ...
SOUTH AFRICA is of special geological interest from its simplicity and symmetry of structure, its instructive series of pre-Palæozoic rocks, its Karroo formation, with a succession of terrestrial ...
The rift is a massive 20-plus-million-year-old continental crack in the Earth's surface stretching across East Africa through ... new oceanic crust in a rare geological event.
Series investigating the geological forces which shaped East Africa's Great Rift Valley and which make it one of the world's most wildlife-rich landscapes ...
Using state-of-the-art high-definition filming techniques, this series investigates the geological forces which shaped East Africa's Great Rift, and which make it one of the world's most wildlife ...