Two weeks ago, fans of the HBO show "Game of Thrones" watched with a mixture of surprise, horror, and satisfaction as one of the TV show's best villains, the young King Joffrey, died a horrible ...
Oberyn Martell is responsible for one of the most memorable deaths in Game of Thrones' history, getting his entire head ...
Game of Thrones never shied away from violence and psychological torture, earning it praise from some critics and fans while turning others off from it entirely. The HBO series may not be quite as ...
The Game of Thrones TV universe has had its fair share of childish, petulant, fair-haired kings. And at first, House of the Dragon season 2’s addition to that lineup, Aegon II Targaryen (Tom ...
Game of what ... inspiration for his dragon-strewn work. Joffrey resembles the bloodthirsty Edward of Lancaster, supposedly the illegitimate son of King Henry VI, who married the beautiful ...
While both characters die fairly early on in the series, they remain the most solid relationship ever to appear on "Game ... end at King's Landing, when she winds up being used by Joffrey for ...
"I was like, 'Let me put some of that privilege in there,'" Harrison tells TheWrap of developing the Disney character's ...