Something seemingly sinister occurred one morning in February 1984. A set of mysterious footprints appeared on the sand of Clearwater Beach in Tampa Bay, Florida. Many residents were convinced ...
Palaeontologists have discovered 66 three-toed dinosaur footprints in a slab of rock that has been on display for 20 years at ...
This schoolyard boulder with ancient footprints is revealing a vibrant moment in Australia's prehistoric past.
STEVE:'Most footprints get washed away, but we were lucky. Our ancient river flooded and filled the footprint with mud and sand, protecting it. So we've got our protective layer of sand.
WHITE SANDS, N.M. (KRQE) – New research of drag marks found alongside ancient human footprints discovered in White Sands National Park may represent one of the earliest pieces of evidence for ...
Dozens of dinosaur footprints embedded in a boulder were found hiding in plain sight at an Australian school, according to researchers.