The photo captures the moment when this handsome red-shouldered hawk spotted its breakfast in The Villages. Thanks to Julie Walfield for sharing!
Red-shouldered hawks are gorgeous medium-sized, solid birds, smaller than a red-tailed but bigger than a broad-winged hawk. They are colorful, with dark-and-white checkered wings, warm reddish barring ...
Red-tailed hawks are known for their brick-colored ... Breeding season initiates a spectacular sequence of aerial acrobatics. Hawk pairs fly in large circles and gain great height before the ...
When a red-tailed hawk ignores an offered meal, a variety of backyard scavengers — including blue jays, crows and even a ...
Broad-winged hawk adult has rufous on breast, but no barring on primaries, only 1 or 2 tail bands, in flight shows more pointed wings. Juveniles are similar, but red-shouldered shows 3 bands on ...