Piebald is one of three inherited color variations that affect few ... Norwig said he plans to have a full-body mount of the deer, which is mostly brown from about the shoulders forward and ...
The hantavirus is carried by deer mice, which differ from house mice. According to Orkin.com, house mice are light brown or gray, and their coats are a solid color. Deer mice have brown or tan fur ...
Molting produces marked seasonal changes in coat color which in summer is reddish brown ... Severinghaus, C.W. and C.P. Brown. 1956. History of deer in New York. New York Fish and Game Journal, ...
Unlike the deer mouse which it closely resembles, the white-footed mouse’s fur is not soft and luxuriant, and the general color of the back and sides is a reddish or orangish, not grayish, brown. A ...