to connections with other fields such as machine learning, algebraic geometry, economics, dynamical systems, biology, and control theory. We're grateful to have our internal group discussions powered ...
The scientists uncovered two groups of brain cells in mice: one that helps mice learn about above-average outcomes and ...
Machine learning is transforming the control of particle accelerators, enabling "autonomous driving" for these complex systems. Researchers from the Institute of Modern Physics and Xiamen University ...
Thanks to its capacity to detect patterns and stay consistent, machine learning is a great tool for CNS behaviour studies.
Catalog description: Presents the underlying theory behind machine learning in proofs-based format. Answers fundamental questions about what learning means and what can be learned via formal models of ...
Applications are now being accepted for the MSc Autonomous and Intelligent Systems program at the University of Sheffield in ...
Stabilizing an inverted pendulum is a classic problem in control theory, and if you’ve ever taken a control systems class you might remember seeing pages full of differential equations and bode ...