New Delhi: The Cholas were pioneers of temple ... For a medieval Indian ruler like Rajaraja Chola, building a great temple wasn’t necessarily just a devotional act. You see this in the ...
The Cholas built massive, magnificent temples, such as the Brihadisvara Temple at Thanjavur (built by Rajaraja Chola I and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site), which was much larger in scale than ...
India, known for its deep-rooted spirituality and cultural richness, is home to some of the world's most magnificent temples.
Constructed in the 11th century by Raja Raja Chola I, this temple in Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu stands as one of India’s Great Living Chola Temples and was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage ...
It was not a repair work as there was no Varahi temple there before. While the great Chola King who built the temple had no place there, he asked whether a temple should have been raised for a ...
Chola aristocrats invested war-loot into a wave of new temples, which sourced fine goods from a truly global economy linking the farthest shores of Europe and Asia. Copper and tin for their bronzes ...
Also known as RajaRajeswara Temple Rajarajeswaram, this temple is located in Thanjavur in southern Tamil Nadu state and was built by Raja Raja Chola I and completed in 1010 CE.
Also called the ‘Rajarajeswara temple’, it was built by Chola king Raja Raja I between 985-1012 AD. It is said the king received commands to build the temple in his dreams. The first temple to ...
The Chola empire heritage tour, held on the first Sunday of every month, begins at the Thanjavur Big Temple and includes visits to historic sites such as Thiruppalanam, Thiruvaikavur ...