A fluffy dog with soft fur, big round eyes, floppy ears and a small stature is so high on the "pet cuteness" scale that it ...
In a nutshell Humans tend to judge a dog’s emotions based on the surrounding context rather than the dog’s actual behavior, ...
Languages: English and Italian. A mom from Canada shared a video of her cat, Leo, acting like a dog guarding her children, and internet users can't cope with the heart-warming footage. The viral ...
from spending tax dollars to conduct or fund experiments that cause pain or distress to thousands of cats and dogs. Here’s why that’s important: The NIH funds more cruel and unnecessary ...
So we at Trust Me I’m a Vet decided to do a big experiment to tackle it ... affecting over 87% of dogs and 70% of cats. Preventing it is essential to the health of your pet.
Sorry cat lovers, but dogs are elderly people's best friends when it comes to helping ward off dementia, according to a recent study. The findings show that canine ownership can lower the risk ...