SIGN UP FOR DECIDER DIGEST FOR NEWS AND STREAMING RECOMMENDATIONS Fighting crime never stops, but nor should you — keep reading to discover everything we know about Boston Blue. Limited information ...
Far from the last time fans can witness police officer Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) patrol the crime-ridden streets, the ...
The “ Blue Bloods ” universe is officially expanding. A spinoff following Donnie Wahlberg ‘s Danny Reagan has landed a straight-to-series order at CBS. “Boston Blue” (working title) comes from ...
Fans were sad to say goodbye to Blue Bloods after 14 seasons in December 2024. However, they were surprised with good news when CBS announced that Donnie Wahlberg would reprise his role in the ...
CBS is heading back to the world of Blue Bloods — at least partially. Although the new series is set in the same world as Blue Bloods, it notably has a different creative team. Brandon Sonnier ...
Donnie Wahlberg is expanding the "Blue Bloods" universe, but he's moving TV detective jobs from New York City to his Boston hometown. Wahlberg, who played New York Police Department detective ...
EXCLUSIVE: Great news for Blue Bloods fans — one of the beloved drama’s signature characters, Donnie Wahlberg’s Danny Reagan, will be back on CBS with a new ‘Blue’ cop show in a new city.