Baylan Skoll, portrayed by Ray Stevenson, made his debut in the Star Wars universe with the Disney+ series Ahsoka. He is a complex dark side user who seeks balance through ancient knowledge rather ...
It’s a little bit ironic, I suppose, that Disney and Lucasfilm have snagged another actor known for his time spent in Westeros to fill Stevenson’s shoes. Baylan Skoll will be played by Rory McCann in ...
Jeff Sneider of The Insneider first broke the news (since confirmed elsewhere) that Lucasfilm has tapped Game of Thrones‘ alum Rory McCann to replace the late Ray Stevenson as Baylan Skoll on ...
McCann will now be playing former Jedi Baylan Skoll following Stevenson’s death shortly after working on the first season of the show. Rory McCann is joining the cast of ‘Star Wars ...